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Category Archives: Home Improvements

A Guide to Double Glazing

Double-glazing is known for helping to insulate your home and for helping you save money on your bills. It is predicted that by having double-glazing throughout your home, you could save up to £170 a year on your heating bills and significantly reduce your carbon footprint. Getting double glazing in your home can be an […]

The Pros and Cons of Heated Floors

Winter is here and, at this time of the year, heated flooring is a really tempting addition to make to your home. Thoughts of running into the kitchen in the morning to make a cup of tea only to be met with toasty warm tiles sounds very appealing. Similarly, when you step out of the […]

Energy Efficient Interior Design

Having an energy efficient home doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice style and taste. These days, advanced homes, in terms of energy efficient technology, can be attractive and innovative design projects.

Choosing Internal Wall Insulation for your home

Just less than half of the properties in the UK have solid walls which means that nearly 50% of homes are losing a significant amount of heat and energy through the walls alone. One third to be precise. With the cost of energy rising all the time and increased awareness of environmental issues associated with […]

What is The Green Deal plan; is it right for me & my home?

At the start of 2013 the government’s long awaited energy saving scheme, The Green Deal, finally launched into action. The scheme aims to make energy cheaper and homes warmer with no huge upfront charges for families unable to pay.

Using Tech Products For Home Energy Efficiency

Efforts to keep our world clear and sustainable are moving more and more into our homes, as more individuals and companies alike become concerned with the global endeavor. What this means is that rather than waiting around for solar panels to become more mainstream, or debating for years on end whether or not to purchase […]

What free energy saving home improvements are you eligible for?

Winter is creeping up fast and soon the heating will be cranked up and your bills will crank up with it. You may be unaware of the free energy-saving home improvements available to certain homes throughout the UK. The government has put into place new initiatives to ensure that everyone can heat their home during […]

NIA and EST advise householders to insulate ready for Winter

The National Insulation Association (NIA) and Energy Saving Trust (EST) are urging older people and those in fuel poverty to act now and insulate their properties. The NIA and EST advise that keeping a home warm is vital to certain groups in society especially the old. Research by Age UK states that this winter as […]

Is Your Plumbing Cost Effective?

We all know how important it is to keep on top of our finances, especially in a day and age where every penny counts. Tightening the pursestrings is something we all do during our daily life, making sure that we aren’t whittling away money that can be better spent elsewhere. While frivolous purchases will always […]

Have You Thought About Building a Passive House?

Thinking about building your own home? Wanting it to be energy-efficient? Then why not look into the option of building a home that has maximum energy efficiency – achieving a Passivhaus status? The name Passivhaus is derived from a German standard for buildings that are built to be incredibly energy efficient. The house has an […]

The Green Deal – Explained

You might have heard of the Green Deal in passing, a new government scheme that’s connected to the energy efficiency of your home; but do you know enough about it to see how it could be benefiting you and your home?

Is Your Plumbing Draining Your Money?

A leak in your plumbing can be a drain on your water and on your wallet. In fact, it is estimated that 13.7% of your water bill is water that has been wasted.

Installing Gas in your Home

Gas central heating is the most common way to heat our homes. However, approximately 3.6 million homes in the UK are not connected to mains gas.

Cost Effective Ways To Make Your Home More Energy Efficient Before Selling

More and more people are starting to choose energy efficient homes when they search for a new property. If you are selling your home, and you want to make your home more energy efficient, without breaking the bank, the following tips might prove to be helpful.

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Ebook - 50 Energy Efficiency Measures

