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Category Archives: Energy Saving Tips

Saving Energy in Your Living Room

Your living room may be the place you escape to at the end of a long day at work, or where you like to gather the family on a weekend; but have you had a look round to see where you could be wasting energy and consequently money with your energy bills? There are many […]

Use a toaster, avoid grills where possible

Energy Saving Tip 4 – Using a toaster is more energy efficient than a traditional grill. Grilling food is generally healthy and a more efficent use of your electricity than a traditional oven.

Save Energy and Money with a Steamer or Slow Cooker

Energy Saving Tip 3 – A steamer or slow cooker can save you energy as often whole meals can be cooked at once.

15 Energy-Saving Tips for the Home

Although it’s the height of summer now, autumn and winter will soon be here and you’ll be thinking about the extra energy costs. To head these concerns off at the pass, here’s 15 tips – that you can adopt now – to reduce those bills.

10 cheap ways to warm up your home this winter

We are deep into another brisk winter and back to that familiar ‘brace’ feeling when the energy bills arrive at the end of every month. Many solutions to hefty bills and bad insulation cost a lot of money and can deter families from taking action to try and warm up their homes. There are some […]

How to save energy at Christmas

Christmas is around the corner and along with the price of all your lovely gifts comes the price of heating your home through the winter months. This year Brits are expected to spend a whopping £13 billion on presents at an average of £28 per gift so the last thing you need is a huge […]

Energy Efficient Interior Design

Having an energy efficient home doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice style and taste. These days, advanced homes, in terms of energy efficient technology, can be attractive and innovative design projects.

It is Energy Saving Week – do your part!

This week is Energy Saving Week from October 21 to 25 and this is your opportunity to really look at the way you are using energy in your home. The Energy Saving Trust has many different tips for your home to help you save energy and they even go room by room for your convenience. […]

Top Tips for Greener Living

News of green energy and information about how to become more environmentally friendly is constantly whirring around cyberspace and it’s understandable to wonder, ‘maybe I can be green too?’ but knowing where to start would be a massive help. It’s all well and good to think going green is the way forward but in order […]

Energy savings in the kitchen

The kitchen is the hub of the household. What with preparing and cooking meals, and often eating them too, as well as washing up and popping the kettle on for a cup of tea, it’s where most of the action is, and where a large proportion of household energy goes. Here are a few ways […]

How to Save Fuel When Driving

Cars are one of the UK’s, indeed the Western World’s, and biggest polluters. In Britain there are around 31 million, spewing out carbon dioxide as well as carbon monoxide, carcinogens and other harmful substances. Furthermore, the cost of petrol is spiralling out of control. The unfortunate fact is that cars are a necessity in the […]

Energy Saving Made Easy

With all the information and advice it is easy to become overwhelmed with energy saving. From being told ‘turn those lights off!’ to being promised ‘this is the best energy saving product on the market’ it can feel like a bit of a minefield. There is no need to worry. Energy saving doesn’t have to […]

Simple Tips for Saving Energy in the Home

With the rising energy prices, the increasing pinch we feel in our wallets and the warnings of major climate changes due to the emissions of carbon dioxide, it is vital that we are as efficient as possible with our energy usage.

Considerations When Switching Energy Providers

As we all know, over the past few years energy prices have been soaring and despite some recent small cuts to the standard tariffs, this trend looks set to continue. As prices rise faster than inflation, the percentage of net income which is taken up by fuel bills grows and we can no longer afford […]

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