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Category Archives: Energy Saving

15 Energy-Saving Tips for the Home

Although it’s the height of summer now, autumn and winter will soon be here and you’ll be thinking about the extra energy costs. To head these concerns off at the pass, here’s 15 tips – that you can adopt now – to reduce those bills.

Pets Cost Home Owners £78million in Energy Bills 

New research conducted by the Energy Saving Trust suggests that £78million a year extra is being spent on gas and electric by pet owners in the UK as they worry about their furry friends being cold, stressed or lonely whilst they are out. This latest study indicates that two out of five pet owners like […]

Choosing Energy-Efficient Windows

Windows are one of the ways in which heat will be lost from your home, but with improved technology, energy-efficient windows can reduce the amount of heat lost as well as the amount of noise that enters into your home. This can be achieved with secondary glazing, double or triple glazing or more simply, by […]

Fox: Judges ruling on energy-saving defies common sense

Conservative MEPs have criticised a ruling by the European Court of Justice today banning Britain from cutting VAT on energy-saving materials. Ashley Fox, leader of Britain’s Conservative MEPs, said the judgment against the UK Government was “unfortunate and unwelcome”.

How to cut down on water waste in your home

Water is one of the hardest things to keep track of in your home especially if there are many people living in your home. The kids may leave the taps running whilst they clean their teeth, mum may rinse the dishes under running water after washing them and your teenage daughter may take a 40 […]

A Guide to Harvesting Rainwater

Water feels like a luxury we take for granted. It comes through our taps and we don’t really have to understand where it comes from and how it gets to us. We just get to use it whenever we choose and pay for it when the bill comes through. The fact of the matter is, […]

5 Easy Ways To Tackle Soaring Home Energy Costs

It goes without saying that times have been tough in recent years, and it’s had an enormous impact on household finances. One area that seems to have particularly spiralled out of control is energy costs – with a rising dependence on foreign resources, we’ve seen a 131.1% rise in costs over the last 10 years.

4 Energy Saving Changes All Commercial Property Owners Should Make

Energy efficiency in residential properties is a massive problem – Kevin McCloud, the famous Gran Designs host and co-founder of the Future Living retrofit firm, has been quoted as saying “There are some 26 million homes in Britain, most of them about as well insulated as a rabbit hutch, and they need immediate help to […]

Housing Energy Advisor’s Top 3 Eco Homes in the UK

Eco homes are growing in popularity with the upcoming launch of the Renewable Heat Incentive, an initiative to encourage homeowners to install renewable heat sources in their property. With rising house prices and people becoming more apprehensive about their carbon footprint, green construction is more popular than it has ever been before. This blog looks […]

Supermarkets take on the energy saving challenge

Supermarkets are perfect for testing energy efficiency. If you consider the amount of nationwide stores with multiple distribution centres and so on, there is plenty of room to save money and reduce the carbon footprint. If this giant industry could become sustainable not only would it be a huge achievement for the UK but also […]

6 Tips for choosing insulation for your home

Choosing insulation material for your home can be a difficult task. There are so many options and it can be difficult to select the right thing for you. You need insulation otherwise you will lose a quarter of your heat through your roof. Also, if you choose the correct insulation, it can be effective for […]

10 cheap ways to warm up your home this winter

We are deep into another brisk winter and back to that familiar ‘brace’ feeling when the energy bills arrive at the end of every month. Many solutions to hefty bills and bad insulation cost a lot of money and can deter families from taking action to try and warm up their homes. There are some […]

Top 10 cities leading in urban sustainability

10 cities around the world are leading in change to help climate change and this article looks at each city and the schemes they are running towards urban sustainability. What would your dream city look like? Maybe this blog will give you some ideas.

Top 7 Energy Saving Apps for your Phone

Nowadays it seems we turn to our phones for pretty much everything. We socialise, we read the news, we play games, we take pictures and now we can begin to educate ourselves further about energy saving. Below we have highlighted the top 7 energy saving apps that you can download to help you monitor your […]

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