Turbines Tree

Category Archives: Wind Power

A Beginner’s Guide to Wind Turbines

If you don’t have a basic understanding of what a wind turbine is then you must have been living under a rock and not noticed all the huge turbine plants popping up all over the country. Wind turbines are one of the most common and effective technologies available today for producing your own electricity for […]

Is a wind turbine right for my home?

This blog explores the options available to homes considering installing a wind turbine to generate energy. It looks into the function of turbines and offers advice on the compatibility of wind power for your home.

Power by the People

The UK government has in recent years adopted an ambitious 80 per cent reduction target in CO2 emissions by the year 2050 in an effort to combat climate change. These emissions are mainly associated with the domestic sector and produced by electricity and heat generation in people’s homes.These account for 27 per cent of all […]

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